Message from President

Message from President's Desk

The Society of the Congregation of Franciscan Brothers was established on February 22nd, 1901 at Nagpur by its Founder, Bro. Paulus Moritz and his Companions. The Congregation aims at an integral and personalized formation of the young in the context of its plurality and diversity of Indian/World culture. It strive to render service to all strata of humanity to attain integral development and to live a free, dignified and truthful life.
St. Francis Institute of Management and Research (SFIMAR) Borivli, Mumbai was established in the year 2002 with the motto of providing quality professional education to graduate students to equip them with academic excellence in specialized management areas and value system. Value system includes grasp of soft skills, life skills and problem solving skills to face life in good times and bad. Thus, to strive to produce value based business leaders with intellectual competence, morally and ethically upright, socially committed, caring and fostering the ecology, spiritually inspired citizens in the service of India and the world at large.
The task ahead is to carry forward the traditional focus on creating value based excellence amongst participants and transforming them, by encouraging them to initiate and manage self-regulated innovative projects of educational and social values along with faculty members role in understanding and promoting the tremendous technological base which our young generation of students possess. Looking to be successful in one’s own career like becoming an entrepreneur, starting one’s own business or joint venture and getting a good job in a company etc are necessary. In all one should strive to live a life of happiness and contentment and share the same with others.
We also maintain a one-to-one relationship with our students and take care of their personality development at each stage through many interactive sessions on values, ethics, business etiquette, counselling and leadership.
On campus, the Franciscan values of service and living purposefully, are visible in action. Our faculty, students and staff are involved in many social outreach activities.
The Eco-System created by our strong SFIMAR-Alumni network enhances substantially the growth and development of our student participants of our Institute. I am indebted to all our educational partners for all your support and involvement in our higher education venture.

Bro. Joseph Karimalayil