Sandeep Kudtarkar

Name: Dr. Sandeep Kudtarkar


Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: MMS

Qualification: Ph.D. in Management From NMIMS University , Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Master’s degree in Finance Management both from the University of Mumbai , GDCA, Diploma IN Digital Electronics, Novell Certified Network Engineer(CNE) and UGC NET Qualifies

Brief Profile

Dr.Sandeep Kudtarkar holds a Ph.D. in Management from NMIMS University, Mumbai, a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering , and master’s degree in Finance Management both from the University of Mumbai . He is UGC NET qualified and completed a Government Diploma in Cooperative Accounting (GDCA) and an Engineering Diploma in Digital Electronics from SBM Polytechnic, Mumbai. Before joining teaching, he worked in the corporate sector for 21 years in prestigious companies like Kores India, Bradma India, Godrej & Boyce, HCL Infosystems , and ACMIL as a Research Engineer, Project Manager, Corporate Finance Manager , and Investment Banker.

He moved to academics in the year 2012. He teaches Finance. Operations, Strategic management and Project management. His research areas include Public infrastructure and Health, financial markets, Derivatives and Risk management, Supply chain management, Project management, Risk management, Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics.

He has published 18 research papers in reputed national and International journals and conferences. His articles are published in ABCD Indexed B and C category journals. He has published articles in the Chartered Accounts Journal and Cost Accountants (ICWA) Journal and received 58 citations. In 2023, He published two book chapters in Scopus Indexed International books published by IGI Global, USA , and published a case study in “ Emerging Economies Cases Journal ‘ of IIM Rohtak.

He has worked as a reviewer for ABDC- indexed American journal “International Journal of Finance and Economics” , “American Journal of Engineering and Management” and an international book published by IGI Global, USA. He has worked as an examiner and moderator for Mumbai University’s Project management and Strategic Management subjects. Dr.Sandeep has worked as an “Expert Professor” for the SLA (Parakh) project of AICTE and the Government of India.


21 years of Corporate and 11 years of teaching experience.

Additional Qualifications/Certifications:

  • NCFM Certification in Mutual Funds
  • NCFM Certificate in Capital Market(Dealers) Module & Derivatives
  • NISM Certification in Forex Derivatives(Currency Futures)Market Module
  • Government Diploma in Co-Operative Accounting & Auditing(GDCA)
  • Certified Network Engineer(CNE)

Research Articles Published:

  1. Published a Management Teaching Case study titled “ A Lifesaving Initiative for Patients with Kidney Failure: A Well-structured and Efficiently Implemented, Pioneering, Public–Private Health Partnership in India” in Emerging Economies Cases Journal of IIM Rohtak , DOI: 10.1177/25166042231175032 in May 2023.
  2. Published a book chapter titled “Circular Supply Chain in E-Commerce Businesses in India” is published in a book titled “Designing Sustainable Supply Chains to Achieve a Circular Economy” edited by Dr. Siti Norida Wahab ,Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia and Dr. Yanamandra Ramakrishna, Skyline University , Sharjah, UAE and published by IGI Global, USA., April 2023 , DOI : 10.4018/978-1-6684-7664-2.ch005 , Book ISBN : 9781668476642
  3. Published a research article titled “ Resetting PPP in Infrastructure Model in India Post-COVID-19 Pandemic” in The Indian Economic Journal (ABDC indexed “B” grade journal) Vol. 68, Issue 3, 2020 ,First Published January 22, 2021, ISSN 0019-4662, Published by Indian Economic Association,
  4. Published a research article titled “Failure of Operational PPP Projects in India Leading to Private Developer’s Apathy to Participate in Future Projects: A Case Study Based Analysis” in Indian Journal of Finance and Banking ( ABDC indexed “ C ” grade journal) Vol. 4, No. 2; 2020 , ISSN 2574-6081 E-ISSN 2574-609X Published by CRIBFB, USA In August 2020.
  5. Published a Case Study titled “Creating Sustainable Teams for Organizational Value Creation” IN aims Journals of Management, Vol. 8, No.1, July 2022 ISSN 2395-6852
  6. Published a research article titled “Parakh : A platform for self-assessment of knowledge and skills of Indian students to ensure global competitiveness ” in Knowledge pack of National Cost Convention 2022 organised by The Institute of cost accountants of India on May 27, 2022.
  7. Published a research article titled “Dharavi Model: A Framework for Containing Covid19 Pandemic in Resource-Limited Democratic Settings” in “ London Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences” Print ISSN: 2515-5784 Online ISSN: 2515-5792 Volume 21 | Issue 5 | Compilation 1.0 published by London Journal Press in January 2022.
  8. Published a research article titled “How Indian SMEs can leverage AI revolution for its growth” in Hindustan Chamber Review journal in December 2021 edition published by Hindustan Chambers of Commerce.
  9. published a research article titled “Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Economics, Finance and Accounting” in “The Chartered Accountant” journal published by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (UGC Care journal) May 2021, ISSN 0009-188X.
  10. Published a research article titled “Telecom-Backbone of India’s Digital Economy: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Trends” in “The Management Accountant” journal published by The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (UGC Care journal) May 2021-VOL56-NO.05 ISSN 0972-3528.
  11. Published a research article titled “Developing Sustainable World Class Local Supply Chain Ecosystem in India during the Corona Pandemic” in Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies,Vol. 3,Issue 11, November 2020, ISSN(print): 2644-0490, ISSN(online): 2644-0504, Article DOI: 10.47191/jefms/v3-i11-03, Page No.- 173-182 in November 2020.
  12. A research paper titled “Critical Analysis of Infrastructure Investment Trust (InviT): An innovative infrastructure finance vehicle in India” co-authored with Dr. Anupam Rastogi presented in International conference on economics and finance II (ICEFII) organized by NMIMS Bangalore in December 2019.
  13. Published a research article titled “Indian Cement Industry on path of environment sustainability through innovation and optimization” in International Journal of latest technology in engineering, management and applied science (IJLTEMAS) Volume VII, Issue V, May 2018.(ISSN 2278-2540) in May 2018.
  14. Presented a research article titled “Financial Product innovations and policy reform for Indian Infrastructure Finance “in International conference on economics and finance organized by IBS Mumbai on 7th April 2017.The same paper is published in conference compendium. (ISBN: 978-93-85537-05-9).
  15. Published a research article titled “Deming award, a journey towards business excellence “in IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Volume 2, February 2015 of IES college of Management. The same paper was presented at 8 th International Business Research Conference on 27 th February 2015 at IES college of Management, Bandra, Mumbai. ISIN 2319–7668
  16. Published a research article titled “Dialysis Healthcare Delivery in India “in Healthcare Management Conference Event Compendium organized by SIES college of Management. The same paper was presented at National Healthcare Management Conference on 17 th January 2015 at SIES college of Management, Nerul, Navi Mumbai.
  17. Published a book chapter titled ” Framework for Creating Mass Entrepreneurial Intention in India” in a book titled ” Handbook of Research on Designing Sustainable Strategies to Develop Entrepreneurial Intention” edited by Dr, Ramakrishna Yanamandra of Skyline University, UAE and Dr. Logaiswari Indiran of Universiti Teknologi, Malaysia published by IGI Global, USA (ISBN No: ISBN13 9781668487815).
  18. Contemporary theory of Astrology -A pragmatic approach. Preprint published on Research gate in June 2023 , DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30942.20808